Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Common Errors in English

 Common Errors in English (1-50) Part -1

(1) Incorrect : My bicycle worths seven pounds.

      Correct: My bicycle is worth seven pounds.

Note : worth  হচ্ছে adjective একে verb হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা যাবে না।

(2) Incorrect : The bird was feeding it's young.

      Correct : The bird was feeding its young.

Note : It's হচ্ছে it is এবং it has এর contracted form এবং its হচ্ছে it এর possessive form.

(3) Incorrect : He is quite capable to do that.

      Correct : He is quite capable of doing that.

Note : Capable এবং incapable এরপর of +(verb+ing) বসাতে হয়।

(4) Incorrect : Jony is able of doing the work.

      Correct : Jony is able to do the work.

Note : able এবং unable এরপর infinite (to+verb1) বসে।

(5) Incorrect : I object to be treated like this.

      Correct : I object to being treated like this.

Note : Object to এরপর verb +ing বসে।

#englishgrammar #commonmistakes #commonmistakesinenglish #CommonErrors

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